What’s On?

See below for what’s happening…

Youth : what’s happening this week

Friday Night Youth, Balerno Youth Sundays, Livi Youth Sundays, Youth Worship and Deeper: all the details for this week are below:

Friday Night Youth

Friday Night Youth resumes this week with a forum for Youth to share their views on the potential building project.

Ollie and Eric will be joining us at Ladycroft for this from 7:30pm.

Balerno Sunday Small Groups

Refuel will resume this Sunday with our catch-up breakfast.

10:30am at Ladycroft.

Livingston Sunday Small Groups

Sunday Morning Small Groups are on this Sunday at St Margaret’s Academy.

Youth Worship

Youth Worship is next on Thursday 29 August at Ladycroft.

Bring your instruments and tech skills and come worship with us!

Deeper is our leadership and discipleship programme for S4-S6’s who consider themselves to be committed Christian young people. We explore God's word in a deeper way whilst learning and discussing together, how to lead more productive lives as Christians in whatever settings we are are in.

We will meet for Deeper at the Erasmuson’s house after the Worship and Prayer Service on Sunday 25 August. Meet at Ladycroft for the service.

For more info contact Jonny below.
